Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anatomy of Debating a Fool on the Internet

1. I share a belief that not everyone agrees with. The topic's considered a hot button and often invokes and provokes reactions from both sides.

2. I'm told I'm wrong and then presented with claims which, right or wrong, had nothing to do with what I originally said.

3. I clarify that I'm specifically talking about the only point I made. I may, in fact, agree and say as much with some of the nonbearing replies. I ask for a response concerning my point, which is the only belief I shared while entering the thread.

4. My request for discussion on the point remains ignored while further evidence supporting that which I wasn't even talking about is presented.

5. I lather, rinse and repeat.

6. They now claim I said what I didn't say despite all evidence to the contrary being right there for them to read, plus assume that I believe or support other topics and non-sequiturs based on their own projection.

7. I start bangng my head into the wall, wondering the whole time why that doesn't convince them. I reiterate that I can live without changing anyone's mind, I just want a response on the original Goddamn point.

8. Having used their arsenal they resort to mockery, name-calling and other ad hominem attacks. When I point out that I of all people have so far gone this far without resorting to that I'm told that yes in fact I had. I can only assume they take someone presenting an opinion they disagree with as being an attack.

9. Knowing that the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results, I become certifiably insane.

10. They label me a Troll. Some block me.

11. I raise my long suffering eyes to the heavens. I finally give up and take a break from it.

12. Those close to me who weren't originally involved suddenly check it out: they too ignore the only point I made, the only one I gave a damn about, and berate or admonish me based on the original nonbearing responses.

13. I waste more energy defending myself against that which I shouldn't even need to be defending myself against in the first place.

14. They don't hear a word, but repeat their responses from #12

15. I hate humanity. I hate people, until I laugh at the next joke or thumbs-up the next bit of good news I read. I remain cynical but eventually soften up a bit in the interest of choosing battles and remaining on friendly terms with those receptive to a positive existence. I find someone who finally acknowledges hearing what I originally said. Once in a while they even accept that belief for themself.

15a. I'm even able to bite my tongue for weeks or months when FB links, updates, notes and comments from some of "them" continues to infest my feed.

16. Then, one day, seeing the wrong post at the wrong time, I wonder if this is the time I'll be able to make the point and have some feedback that stays on topic.

17. Return to #2 and continue.


toyguy710 said...

Wow, why do you hate America so much?

Rummy said...

Damn, Blogger doesn't have a "like" button Toyguy!